Adding a new role

Adding a new role, class or spec

We explained what roles, classes, and specs are in the Template customization basics guide. In this guide, we will show you how to add a new role, class, or spec to your template.

Adding a new role


The following process is the same for adding a new class or spec.

To add a new role to your template, you can use the /template edit command. This command will help you add a new role to your template.

/template edit <template_id>

You can add a new role by clicking on the ➕ Add Role button under the message.

Add role

Once you click on the ➕ Add Role button, a modal will open where you need to provide the following parameters:

Add Role Modal

Required Parameters

emojiThe emoji that you wantt to be used for this role. (You can use either regular or custom emojis)emoji
nameThe name of the role. (e.g. Tank, Healer etc.)string

Optional Parameters

lockRoleWhen registering, users need to have this discord role to select this role.Discord role Id

You can easily get a discord role id using this guide.